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Three Princesses

Book Summary of The Three Princesses, by Marlena Brown-Holcomb Main Characters: ~ King Mikah: Princess' Father ~ Queen Allonah: Princess' Mother ~ Princess Miryah: Daughter of the king and queen ~ Princess DaShari: Daughter of the king and queen ~ Princess Aszalind: Daughter of the king and queen ~ Eshe: Ethiopian girl, sister of Afia and Addae ~ Afia: Ethiopian girl, sister of Eshe and Addae ~ Addae: Ethiopian boy brother of Eshe and Afia This story takes place in a fairy tale place in America called Paradise, a community where all royal families preside. The king, queen, and their three teenage daughters rank high on the list of prestige because of their kind hearts and enthusiasm for serving the less fortunate. Although the king and queen have the heart to serve and were very respectful to all humanity, after several years of close observation, they realized that their princess daughters were behaving as spoiled, selfish, disrespectful and unappreciative young ladies; totally opposite of how they'd been raised. The king and queen decided that their children needed to be taught a lesson, so they sent them off on a two-week trip to Africa. The three princesses were excited about this wonderful-luxury vacation they assumed they were taking, until they arrived in Ethiopia and discovered it was far from luxurious. Once they arrived at their destination, they were greeted by three Ethiopian children about the same ages as them, Eshe, Addae, and Afia. After coming to the reality that the trip destination wasn't a joke, the princesses were escorted by the three Ethiopian children and shown where they would be residing. After being forced to live the Ethiopian culture for two weeks, the princess realized how fortunate they were, and it opened their eyes to a whole new world of hard work, appreciativeness, respect for themselves and others, different cultures, and new friendships.

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Three Princesses:(Powers And Gifts Revealed)

A positive change in one's attitude demonstrates growth, and can unleash some of the most magnificent powers and gifts from the Universe.

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Three Princesses:(Battle with the Technology gods)

For many years the Electronic Technology (god) brainstormed to come up with a plan to take over the minds of humans. He developed a location where he manufactured and sent out a variety of electronic devices for the purpose of distracting mankind. The Electronic Technology god’s goal was to have all human creation worship his electronic devices. He wanted to convince mankind that they wouldn’t be able to function without them. There was a small city in which the Electronic Technology god built its home base. This location was built primarily to create and manufacture the devices in hopes to initiate his plan. This venue was where all the different electronic devices were created and sent out to perform their functions.

The Three Princesses were made aware that the electronic devices had taken over the City of New Age. They decided to go to this city to assist in this matter. Once the princesses arrived in this city, they concluded by their observations of the residents, that the people in this city were addicted to their electronic devices. There was a large all-in-one computer that had taken over a classroom of teenagers. The computer’s primary goal was to convince the students that they could not live without their electronic devices. The computer’s purpose was to also make them believe that it was okay to spend all their valuable time focusing on their electronic devices.

Once the princesses arrived in the classroom, they noticed some of the devices were practically glued to the student’s hands. The princesses were tasked to interrupt the connection between this large all-in-one computer and the students. They also needed to convince the entire City of New Age to only use their devices as needed. When the Electronic Technology (god) learned of the princesses’ mission, the battle between them began. During this mission, the princesses discovered powers they didn’t realize they had; however, the princesses were concerned if their powers were enough to be able to interrupt the strong influence of the Electronic Technology god’s devices.

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